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How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

You write all this awesome content, and after putting in months and months of hard work, you start getting rankings, but then you fast forward a year. A year later, what happens? Your traffic starts going down. Now let’s get the lesson, how to get more SEO traffic by updating your old content.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

The main fact is, there's just too much content on your website.

It's a lot of content from Google to pick for. Just think of it this way, there's over a billion blogs. With over a billion blogs and roughly 7 billion people, that's one blog for every seven people. Do you really think we need more blogs and more people creating content?

Well, if it's unique, sure but the problem is, most people are just regurgitating the same old information over and over again.

For that reason, who's Google going to rank at the top? Well, if your content is really old what you'll find is it won't get as much traffic because what Google wants to do is they want to rank that fresh, updated content at the top or new content at the top, because it is more likely to be more relevant, have all the latest and greatest updated facts.

For example, if I had an old article impairing all the social media sites and I included MySpace and Vine in it, do you think it's still relevant today?

Of course not because it doesn't exist anymore and MySpace is pretty much dead. Heck I don't even know if it's still up. But the point I'm trying to make is with all the content out there, Google is going to rank the content that doesn't just have the most links or the best on-page SEO.

Importantly, they're going to rank the article that has the best user experience. Usually that means that's the article that is fresh, up to date and the most relevant.

With one of my earlier websites, I no longer own it. I was able to increase literally over 100,000 visitors a month. And the main strategy that I didn’t use just cranking out new article; it was continually updating and expanding my old articles to get them more and more traffic.

On the all-info2u.blogspot.com website, for every blog article I write, my team is updating 21 old pieces of content.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

Now I myself wish I could also update 21 old articles each and every single week, I don't have the time for that so I have a team of three people that are literally updating my older articles to make sure they're more relevant, to make sure they're not giving any false information because what worked a year ago or two years ago,

That was relevant a year or two ago may not be relevant anymore.

And if you don't do that, you'll notice that over time, your old content will start getting less and less traffic. Now sure, some of your old content is evergreen.

For example, if you have a piece of content that talks about how to install a toilet, you don't really need to update it much but that's not the case with all forms of content.

So how do you go and update your old article and figure out which pieces to update? Which ones not to update? And heck how do you know that parts to update and how it works? Do you just add a sentence? Do you add in paragraphs? Do you add in more images, videos? Ok, I'm going to walk you through that right now step-by-step.

Firstly, I want you to do is to log into Google Search Console.

When you stay log into Google Search Console, you'll see your traffic over the last 28 days, it default to that, I know there's roughly 30 days in a month, but it defaults to 28 days.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content. 
That's fine. And when you stay log in, you go to your website; I want you to click that on the pages link. You'll see that, right? It's already marked on highlighted here under or right next to the queries. The next thing is I want you to do is adjust your date range. So I know I said last 28 days is fine and it is but to see what old pieces of content are gaining or losing traffic, you got to click on the date option, where it says last 28 days.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

And then click on compare and select compare

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

The last 28 days year over year.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

This will show you something like this where it shows your traffic over the last 28 days versus the 20 days the year before. 

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

So you're already on the pages section of Google Search Console, and I want you to sort by the last 28 days over the previous year.

And when you do that, it'll show you the content that were the most popular & eye catchy to least popular in the previous year.

Now, need to going through that list, what you want to do is look for the posts that have lost traffic.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

In other words, the number was bigger on the right hand side

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

Than the left hand side because the left hand side will show you how much traffic that current article is getting.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

If it's gone down, that means you should update it.

Now with my website because I update so much content I had to scroll to find it. You may have to scroll or go to the next page but if you're not updating content as frequently, you may see some of these articles towards the top. So let's look at this one.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

This one that is getting less traffic than it did a year ago it's called Get Started Using Schema Markup.

I know that may not be the exact name of the article but it's around schema markup and that is the URL.

And it was getting some more than 9,700 visitors a month, 

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

and now it's getting roughly 7,500 visitors a month.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

So I want you to click on the content that was getting more traffic a year ago and less traffic now.

When I clicked on that article,

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

I can see which I was getting more traffic from terms like schema markup, terms like schema SEO, technically schema SEO I'm doing better now. There are a few others, schema in SEO, schema code. So there are quite a few terms that I was getting more traffic from.

So what you'll want to do and start Googling those terms to see who's ranking above you. So let's Google schema markup. As you can see, there's content by Moz, there's an article by Search Engine Journal, then there's Schema.org. And what you'll want to do is clicking on each of that content and analyzes them and says, "Huh, what did they have that I don't?

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

What is making their article better than mine?" And you wish to collect that full content for all the websites which ranking, and then you are going to want to modify with seo keywords your article.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

And you do this by making yours better than there is. So if they're doing a handful of things or discussing a handful of things that are relevant that you're not, add those into your article. Update anything that's out of date to create a better experience in your competition.

You also want to delete anything that's irrelevant. If something doesn't make sense anymore, delete it. Like if I had an article on social media and I was talking about MySpace, I would delete it because no one cares to hear about MySpace anymore. But I may add in TikTok because TikTok is really popular these days. When you update the content, I want you to also update the publish by date, so searching engines know it's updated. And don't think about word count, think about user experience. Extra or 500 words or even 50 words, it's not about adding 5,000 words.

Do something best for the user, that could mean you just need to add images to describe what you're trying to get through or it could be that you just add a video content or it could be that you're just deleting sections. You need to do which best for the user and not obsess or worry about word count.

And finally, I recommend that you don't change your URL. If you tried to change your URL, that's fine but just 301 redirect the old URL to the new one.

And once you update it, go back into the search bar at the top

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.
How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

Search Console, type in your URL in, it'll start fetching the page

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

and then boom, request it for indexing, and then you are off into the races and within 30 days you should start seeing increase in SEO traffic to that page.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

How To Get More SEO Traffic By Updating Your Old Content.

It literally is that simple. Now, if you need help updating your old content, you can check out my website, All-info2u or go to all-info2u.blogspot.com. Or if you have any questions and you want to do it your own, that's great as well, leave a comment below, we'll answer it, I'll help you out, and I'll try to do my best to increase your SEO traffic as well. If you enjoyed this article, comment, share it tell other people about it. And again, if you have any questions just leave a quarry of comment below and I'll answer and help you out. If you need any seo article writer, can visit here. Thank you for your time.

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